Adult Martial Arts Classes

Beginner Adult Martial Arts Classes Enrolling In March

students in Adult Martial Arts in Bayswater - XFC Gym

Are you ready to look and feel amazing, while giving yourself the unstoppable self-defence protection that's as effective as a suit of armor? You'll get the body you've been craving when you take Adult Martial classes at XFC Gym! This is fitness at its best! Not only will we get you in great shape faster than any other workout can deliver, but you'll be prepared to face the most fearsome situations knowing you can walk away unscathed.


The Adult Martial Arts classes at XFC Gym will give you a heart-pumping workout that'll send your metabolism through the roof, incinerating ugly fat, sculpting gorgeous, head-turning muscles along the way!

When you take Adult Martial Arts classes at XFC Gym, you're bound to experience endless benefits you've never before experienced from a fitness program before. Here are just a few:

  • You'll be catapulted into the best shape of your life in almost no time at all
  • You'll achieve unwavering self-confidence and discipline
  • Your stress levels plummet
  • You'll feel healthier than you ever have before
  • You'll master an entire arsenal of self-defence moves that could save your life
  • You'll develop a rock-solid core and perfectly sculpted arms and legs


There's no question that you're serious about getting in great shape as quickly as possible. After all, that's why you've made it this far. And that's why you owe it to yourself to check out the Adult Martial Arts classes at XFC Gym.

To find out more about this exceptional Adult Martial Arts program, and get one step closer to achieving an eye-popping, head-turning body, just take a minute to complete the brief form on this page. When you do, we'll send you everything you need to get started today!

Our Adult Martial Arts Classes Are Located In

  • Bayswater
  • Noble Park

Adult Martial Arts Program Age Groups

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